SoniaTéléphone : +32494617626 Région : Brussels Adresses : 1000 Salon Brussels Salon Bruxelles Disponibilité : Salon Sonia Salon Bruxelles +32494617626 |
Massage is particularly valuable in our Weste society where the sense of touch is so limited and formalised . In a world full of expensive gadgets intended to make our life easier , it is really pleasant to realise that we can give so much pleasure just with our hands .
BIJZONDER massage is waardevol in onze samenleving Weste Waar de tastzin is zo beperkt en geformaliseerd . In een wereld vol dure gadgets Bedoeld om ons leven gemakkelijker te maken , het is echt aangenaam om te realiseren dat we kunnen zo veel plezier alleen met onze handen.
Massage is particularly valuable in our society, where the sense of touch is limited and formalized. In a world of expensive gadgets intended to make our life easier, it is really pleasant to realize that we can give so much pleasure just with our hands.
Profil |
Age : 24 Orientation : Heterosexual, Bisexual |